Jun 23, 2024

Checking if the Consultant is Legit

Disclaimer: I'll be giving some examples in this post/guide. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental. The intention is for educational purposes only and nothing more intended.

You shouldn't just trust anyone you met in the internet. You also shouldn't just believe anything you read in the internet. In fact, you should NOT even trust me. Best way to learn about any topic about migrating to Canada is from the official website of the Government of Canada.

Now if you think you can trust me, or even if you still can't, I believe you'd still learn a thing or two from this guide. So let's go ahead and try to understand who to trust or not.

Below is how you can check if your representative is authorized and licensed to give you immigration advice.

If they are not members in good standing, you should not use their services.

If you didn't understand that, below is a clearer instruction on how to check.

Dapat daw, member and with good standing sila ng Law Society listed below. Since there's more than one Law Society, you need to ask your consultant kung saan sila member, or most of the time, it's mentioned na sa email nila kung saan sila naka based as per sample below.

Best Regards,
Inel Esor
Cadreamer Immigration Consulting RCIC: R0535
30 Random St Address Vancouver V6B1E8
CADreamer: https://www.ph2canada.com/
Cell: 123-456-7891
Email: inel@cadreamer.com

I'll say it again to make it clear, above is only a sample. Gawa gawa ko lang yan!

And now in our sample, makikita nyo na Vancouver address nila. Which means sa British Columbia province. If you're not familiar or not sure, you can google the address.

Now choose from the list below which province is your consultant is based. In our sample, we'll choose British Columbia.

Law societies in each province and territory

The Canadian Bar Association

Chambre des notaires du Québec (French only)

I won't go through each province because the procedures are similar in each province. Once you click on one of the links above, you'll land to a page similar to this below, where you'll need to put the consultant's details.

After clicking on "Search", you'll find a list of possible match. Look for the exact match, click on his/her name and you'll see details similar to below.

Now that you have their details, compare it with the details from their email. Make sure to check that they are also using the same email in communicating with you.

IF the email doesn't match, send an email directed to the registered email in the Lawyer Directory. Make it simple and just ask if you are communicating with a legit person under their company.

If you didn't find the consultant from the list, try to search them in the College of Immigration and Citizenship Website. If can find them there, then they are also legit

College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultant

If you still can't find them in the list I've given above, you can also ask them directly. Why are they not registered? How can they prove that they are legit?

BUT if I were you, I wouldn't even waste time asking them. There's a lot of consultants to choose from and I wouldn't even want to listen to their excuses. Why risk it anyway? You can also ask in our group, if they have prefered consultant that they can recommend you.


Even if the consultant is legit and licensed, there's something you need to learn before hiring them which we'll discuss in the next topic.

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© Filipino Aspirants All Rights Reserved 2023

The information in this page is copyright protected and you can't use them for any profitable use. Please also note that I am a one man team working on this page. It may be possible that the information in this website is outdated or maybe not accurate anymore. You can find a date at the bottom right corner of the featured image. That's the date of the last update and that's the best way to tell how accurate the information in this website is. Even with that being said, I am in NO way legally licensed to give you immigration advice. Everything that is written in this website is purely based on my opinion and experience only. You are responsible for your own decisions. ALSO: I will highly appreciate it if you can help me with the updates by leaving a comment. Hope to see you in Canada!