Jan 16, 2023

Employment Requirements

Have you been applying for a job? But no luck?

Maybe it's not really about luck. Maybe it's because you haven't met their requirements yet to qualify to work for the position. A number of professions in Canada are regulated, to protect the public. Many jobs in Canada require the worker to have a licence or certificate of qualification before they can begin work. Jobs that require a licence or certificate of qualification are called regulated occupations

So how would you know what the requirement are? First, go to Jobbank.

Job Bank

Once you clicked the link, you'll land on this page.

Fill it up with details, with your job title and your target location where to migrate. If you don't have a target location yet, then it's fine to leave it blank.

Click on "Search" and you'll land on this page.

What you'll see here is the summary and description of the job title. Double check if it matches with yours.

Once confirmed, click on the requirements tab.

After you clicked it, you'll see the requirements like below.

Please pay attention to the bottom part showing "Professional certification and licensing". Take note that since every province has their own "Regulatory Body" for every proffesions, some provinces may have different requirements compared to other provinces. You can either check which one is easier for you to comply with and make that your target province, or check what the requirements are in your target province.

And there you are. As simple as that, you now know the requirements. Once you're able to meet the required certification and/or licensure, based on my experience, you’ll be able to get multiple job offers to choose from. But of course, that will still depend on whether your position is in the demand, or not.

If, unfortunately, it is not possible for you to comply with one or some of their requirements, you may consider other pathway, like student pathway so you can hopefully complete the educational requirements if that's what is needed.

Student Pathway

Hope this has been very helpful and please consider supporting our website. Anyway, we better get started on those requirements by getting your Education Credential Assessment (ECA) on our next guide.

Reference worth reading:

Regulated or certified occupations

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