Jan 20, 2023

Where to look for a job?

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Mas prefere ng POEA na dadaan ka ng agency if you'd like to work anywhere abroad. In this way, they can ensure the protection of the rights and promote the welfare and interests of overseas Filipino migrant workers and assist them on all problems arising out of employer-employee relationship.

With that being said, let me start with the list of agencies to apply to Canada.

Recruitment Agency

Recruitment agencies, are usually tied up sa goverment ng Philippines and Canada to hire workers with minimal cost. Take note I said "minimal cost" kasi there are still fees that you need to pay. These agencies will post job openings na sure na may employer na. When you get hired, tuloy tuloy na sa application ng work permit til you fly to Canada, if all goes well.

Below are the two most popular agencies to apply to Canada, with link to their job listings. You may also walk-in to their office and apply for a job if you prefer doing things the old fashioned way.

Since they are the two most popular agencies to apply to Canada, then expect competition in your application and know that they are very strict in screening for applicants. Meaning, kung wala or mababa ung experience mo, then save your time kasi di ka rin matatanggap without the experience.

Anyway, if you did not find luck on those two, here's the full List of POEA-licensed recruitment agencies for Canada

List of POEA-licensed recruitment agencies for Canada

Job Sites for Direct Hiring

Although not preferred by POEA, you can directly apply for jobs. But this can either mean, you and your employer must work on the POLO Verification yourselves, or not be covered by POEA at all. We can talk more about that later in the succeeding guides but in this guide, let me give you the list of Job Sites where you can apply to Canada.

  1. Job Bank Canada - This is the official job posting site ng IRCC
  2. Indeed
  3. Linkedin

These three are the top website to look for job a in Canada. If you really need more option, then you can just google it. There's more out there but let me tell you that these three are, most of the time, enough for your job hunt.

If you are applying through Job Bank, then I have another guide for you below.

For Indeed and Linkedin, you will have to individually read the requirement and their availability to hire foreign workers. If it is not mentioned whether they can hire foreign workers or not, then I personally think there’s no harm in trying. Just make sure to mention in your application that you are applying from outside Canada. There’s no point in hiding that because, the sooner they found out and that they are not hiring foreign workers in the first place, they are just going to reject your application. So, I recommend saving both of your time.

How to apply for a Job in Job Bank Canada

Job Bank offers a job search tool that allows you to browse through thousands of jobs across Canada and to apply filters that specify your needs. You certainly need those filters since not every job listing there is for you. And that's what we're here for today.

Job Bank

Click on the above link to go to their site and you'll land on this page below.

Fill in with your job title or related keyword, and your target location. If you don't have a target location yet, then it's fine to leave it blank.

After you clicked on the search button 🔍, you'll see a list of job openings related to your search.

Click on one of those listings, and you'll see the job description, requirements and all other details. Scroll down and, in most of those listings, you'll find something like this.

If you already have an open work permit and qualify for the job! Go ahead! They are waiting for your application!

But if you are not authorized, meaning you don't have any status nor permit, to work in Canada, do not apply. This literally means that they are not looking to hire foreign workers and the employer will not respond to your application.

To save you time, and instead of scrolling down and checking whether you can apply or not, we can filter those listings out by the following steps.

Click on the "Filter" button, then scroll down and look for "Employment groups".

Under the "Employment group", check "Temporary foreign workers" only, and then click on the "Filter" button again to see the list. These are the ones that are looking to hire foregin workers. When you click on one of those items, and scroll down, you can see something like this, confirming that they are looking to hire even candidates with or without a valid Canadaian work permit.

This doesn't mean you don't need a work permit. It simply means they're willing to support your application. In fact, an employer will also need a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) before you can officially submit a work permit application.

We'll talk about what LMIA is in another guide but it's also worth mentioning that an LMIA application may take at least 3weeks to process, 2months in average, and could take up to one year, depending on the type of application and the status of the employer. There may also be employers who already applied for an LMIA. If that's the case, you will see this just below the Job details.

Direct application

If you really need to look for more job openings, maybe may target ka nang company, then you can directly go to their website and look for the link to their "Careers". Here's a sample below.

Above is the official website of Tim Hortons Canada.

When you scroll down at the very bottom, at the footer, you can find the "Career" link that I've mentioned. See below photo.

Almost every company website has those and you can try applying directly to them.

Frequently Asked Questions

May nakapag apply na ba sa Job Bank and naging successful?

Yes. Madami nang success stories who are already in Canada and those who already got their PR.

May nakapag apply na ba sa Indeed or LinkedIn and naging successful?

Yes. Madami nang success stories who are already in Canada and those who already got their PR.

May nakapag apply na ba sa MERCAN or IPAMS and naging successful?

Yes. Madami nang success stories who are already in Canada and those who already got their PR.

May nakita akong Consultant na sabi they will help me look for a job. Is it better to hire a Consultant to help me with my application?

Since it is a very long topic, we've made a seperate guide regarding this.

Hiring A Consultant? Here's what you need to know

Additional job sites:

These are job sites that were recommended by our group members who had success in their application.

End Note

At this point, now na alam mo na kung san ka pwedeng mag apply, then you may go ahead and start applying. But if you do not have the requirements or competence yet, sobrang baba pa ng chance mo to land a job offer. Hence we'll talk about the requirements and how to get them in our next guides.

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The information in this page is copyright protected and you can't use them for any profitable use. Please also note that I am a one man team working on this page. It may be possible that the information in this website is outdated or maybe not accurate anymore. You can find a date at the bottom right corner of the featured image. That's the date of the last update and that's the best way to tell how accurate the information in this website is. Even with that being said, I am in NO way legally licensed to give you immigration advice. Everything that is written in this website is purely based on my opinion and experience only. You are responsible for your own decisions. ALSO: I will highly appreciate it if you can help me with the updates by leaving a comment. Hope to see you in Canada!